Vara Prasad Reddy Residence
A Private Residence
Our client, Mr. Vara Prasad Reddy is a scientist and the owner of one of the leading pharmaceutical companies in India. The client’s brief was to have a large and open house that blended in with nature, in a tranquil setting and the interiors should reflect nature and greenery.
The plot area located on the outskirts of Hyderabad is situated on an elevated surface, filled with rocky terrain. Since summers here are very hot and dry, we designed the house keeping in mind all the factors and ensuring maximum thermal comfort levels:
1) The solar path determined building orientation
2) The prevalent wind paths determined the windows and shades locations
3) Measures taken to recharge natural water resources to meet everyday needs
The house was erected in the Southwest, the longer sides facing North-South. Verandahs created a large buffer space between the main structure and the exteriors on the East and North. By this, we could offer shade from the strong morning sun from the East, and were also great outdoor sit-out spaces to enjoy the evenings. For better natural ventilation, large windows were given in the East and West facade. The house is set amidst verdant foliage which also helps in keeping temperatures a little lower.
Ground water rechargeable solutions like rainwater harvesting pits, green building features like solar heaters, solar fencing and streaming natural light and ventilation that reduces the dependency on artificial energy were put into practice. Traditional wood was replaced with UPVC windows to make the house more eco-friendlier. The skylight above the central court facilitated ample natural light filtering in at all times of the day, lighting up the central core with a different hue all through the day.
Our house design was planned such that the living, dining and entertainment spaces were all facing North and East, opening out on to the Eastern deck on the ground floor or the verandah on the first floor overlooking the gardens. The bedrooms were placed South and West with a double-wall thickness providing insulation to the rooms from heat coming from the South.